Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hair Do Thursday

I finally got Gramma to Thomas, the most awesome hair stylist I have met. He is just great. Both my mom and I had our hair done today. She looks so good. Past history. My mom has always gone to get her hair done, for as long as I can remember. She would go to Rennie on Fridays. Sometimes she would go other times, like for a special occasion. She always did her hair. About 9 months ago, she stopped making the trip to Rennie. She stopped caring for herself, she basically stopped. That's when we started trying to figure out what was going on. She has not had her hair done since then, not at all. Her grey hair hung limp and she pulled in back in a pony tail holder. She tried a few times to pin curl it, but basically, she did nothing with her hair. Today after Thomas finished her Do, she looked like her self, so much more her than the pony tail do she has been doing. I now have a standing appointment with Thomas for my mom on Thursdays, or Fridays to have her hair done.

After the hair saloon, we headed over to the very spectacular Nugget Market and boy was Gramma hungry. She smelled all the good smells, asked if we were eating there, and just smiled and smelled. She and Tessa had bowls of Clam chowder while Riley and I grocery shopped.It was a perfect outing. She napped the rest of the day, then came out for dinner with Tim and several teen aged girls.

She's missing her home before here today and has spent some time crying and telling me she misses Wyatt and Shawn (my niece and nephew). She still isn't sure where she is or why. I'm wondering if she ever really will?

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