Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Late Night Cooking

Last night we got in at 9 pm from Annie dress rehearsal and Tessa walked right into the kitchen and grabbed a cook book and announced, I am making something. She picked the Joy of Cooking. This is a child who is still working out the whole reading thing. After saying she was going to make date logs, then Russian Pot Roast, I handed her Pretend Soup, a child's cook book with a picture recipe as well as a written recipe. Gramma moved up here with 2 Popover pans. It was a random find in her things, but we have them. Tessa found a popover recipe and next thing I know we are cracking eggs, she's reading away the recipe, I am handing her ingredients and putting them away after. 40 minutes later we had beautiful popovers, just 6, one for each family member. Tessa ran off and got Gramma. We had a very nice late night popover date with Gramma, complete with lots of laughter, some tea, and yogurt. I was amazed I was able to jump in this late after 5 hours of costuming and boy the joy was overflowing. While cooking we decided she will have a cooking themed birthday party, complete with apron making and at least 4 different cooking sessions. Popovers are on the list.

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