Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The balance between letting Gramma be and helping her thrive

I have been busy, both with my mom and with my life. I am costuming a theater production which opens in 3 weeks. I am walking on a line between what the director wants and what the theater wants with costumes and money and all of that. It's fun, challenging, and I hope to be finished mostly by the end of next week, ready to go into tech week. This commitment is time requiring and I am finding myself busy during the day and the night. Gramma seems just fine staying in bed, but is that really just fine? She had a stressful event last Sunday, so we took Monday easy, though she was very social with us. Tuesday was extra busy for me and even though one or more of the kids were home, Gramma stayed in her room except when I asked her to come out. When she comes out, we share a meal, chat, yesterday I had her listen to more of her music while I swept her room, and then she chooses to head back to bed. She was out only 3 times yesterday and because I was at theater during our dinner time, Gramma didn't come out at all in the evening.

She is so cute and cuddly in her blankets with her stuffies. She hasn't cried much at all lately. I asked her about having bears and things when she was a little girl and she said she didn't have any. Tessa is really connected to Gramma and is present whenever I wake her up and give her meds, or check on her. Last night Tessa gave Gramma a new stuffy, so she now has 4 to take care of. She is very sweet making sure she hugs and cuddles each of her stuffies. She tied bunnies ears together and thought that was a riot. She also has a funny thumb which cracks her up. It's all of a sudden double jointed. I'm thinking her arthritis is making some changes there. I know I can make her do more, make her get up, go out, go on drives, go on walks, but it can be challenging to make her do these things when she is so comfy and seemingly happy all tucked in her bed with her stuffies. Tomorrow is a hair appointment day, so we will get up, go out, have our lunch and frozen yogurt. She'll be out and about for over 2 hours. Today, Again, we will go out for a bit of a walk and see how comfortable she is doing that. The weather is perfect for an at home outing. Of course, the outing has to fit between driving Ashley to piano, then to her new job, then to school. So I'm thinking after Gramma's late breakfast, we will head out about 1pm and stay out until she needs to head back home. I'll then need to get Ashley from school at 3pm. I'm thinking of taking Gramma with me to donate some jewelry to the senior center. Today seems like a good day for that.

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